Бердянська міська територіальна громада

Запорізька область, Бердянський район

06.07.2023 21:03

Berdiansk urban territorial community

Berdiansk urban territorial community was created on November 28, 2018 by joining Azovske and Novovasylivska territorial community to Berdiansk city community. The population of Berdiansk urban territorial community as of January 1, 2021 was 115,414 people.




Azovskyi starostynskyi district is a local self-government body in the village of Azovske. The village of Azovske is located on both banks of the Kutsa Berdianka River. The village has 2,550 inhabitants, there are more than 1,000 households, there is a school, a kindergarten, a cultural center, recreation centers, shops, cafes, an agricultural company, farms, enterprises of various forms of ownership. The Rostov – Odesa – Reni and Kamianka-Dniprovska – Berdiansk highways pass through the village.


Novovasylivskyi starostynsky district is a local self-government body in the village of Novovasylivka, and the village of Roza and the village of Shovkove are subordinate to it. The village of Novovasylivka has a school, a kindergarten, a cultural center, and 2,640 residents. There are 611 residents in the village of Roza and 89 in the village of Shovkove. There are shops, cafes, agribusinesses, farms, enterprises of various forms of ownership, and there is an opportunity for the development of private business. The Rostov – Odesa – Reni and Melitopol – Novoazovsk highways pass nearby.


From February 27, 2022, our community is under the temporary occupation of the Russian Federation. The Berdiansk City Military Administration and the Executive Committee of the  Berdiansk City Council operate in Zaporizhzhia and work on planning the actions of the authorities for recovery and development after the expected de-occupation of our community. Despite the difficult circumstances, we are making every effort to prepare for the future liberation of our community and its restoration.

We are trying to restore partnership relations in order to develop an effective plan for the revitalization of  Berdiansk and for its further implementation. On the eve of deoccupation, we are focused on finding expert support and resources to restore the municipality and improve the quality of life of our citizens. Openness to cooperation, an innovative approach and confidence in the future are the main principles that guide us on the way to the recovery and development of our community.

We believe that together with you we will be able to create a strong network of partners that will help us ensure stability, promotion and development of the community. We are ready for active cooperation, exchange of experience and mutual support in all areas of our activity.
Together we will be able to secure the future for our community and create an example of solidarity and effective partnership.


Vision of the community after de-occupation:

🔹 Berdiansk urban territorial community – an investment-attractive community with a competitive business built on the basis of sustainable development and creating new jobs, a community with an effective management system and high-quality municipal services;

🔹 the city of Berdiansk – the leader of rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort services, recreation and various leisure activities, education and science of the Northern Azov region, the center for the development of ecological production of modern products and creative industries;

🔹 villages Azovske, Novovasylivka, Rosa, Shovkove is a space for the development of agro-industrial production, green and marine tourism.



Berdiansk investment Passport


Local Economic Development Plan for the city of Berdiansk
